I was at home taking a shower and I couldn't breath and they took me to the hospital. A doctor came into my room, and he told me 'Jose, you have AIDS.' He said it like that, real blunt.

I was quiet, I didn't say a thing, I was shocked, you know? Then at that moment my mom, dad and Doris arrived and they saw me with watery, red, popped-out eyes and they asked me what was happening. And I told them that some doctor told me I have AIDS.

I talked to Doris. I was very honest with her, because as a man one makes mistakes because we can't be perfect in this life. I asked her forgiveness, that I would never, ever, make another mistake like that. I didn't want to lose my family, my children. I love them too much.


To inquire about this project
in video, and printed formats,
send an email to project creator Dan Habib.

All photos ©2010, Dan Habib